Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21st - National Junk Food Day

July 21st is "National Junk Food Day" and what better way to celebrate such a day then by just completely overdoing it. And I'm not just talking about reaching for another handful of doritos when you've already had enough or buying the king size version of a peanut butter twix bar. No I'm talking about making a bowl out of deep fried pizza crust, filling it up with every type of your favorite candy, layering on cheetos and whip cream with bugles and twizzlers on top kind of overindulging. Too much? Well man up and just do it, I'm pretty sure it's mandatory on a day like today. And if you get the urge to eat something healthy, some deep fried, cheesy broccoli bites should have more than enough nutrition in it to balance out the bad.

While a lot of people celebrate every day like it's "National Junk Food Day", today is truly the one day you can look your doctor in the eye and say you have an acceptable reason for deep frying already fried pork rinds to put on top of your bacon for breakfast. The term junk food was said to have been coined in 1972 by Michael Jacobson, who was director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (sounds made up to me). Typical foods that fall under the junk food category are said to contain high levels of sugar, fat and calories while having very little to no nutritional value whatsoever. There is no known origin of the very first "National Junk Food Day", but legend has it that Rosie O'Donnell ate so many sugary snacks on this day while filming A League of Their Own that she went into a sugar induced coma while shouting today is National Junk Food Day! That's actually not true at all, but really doesn't seem all that far-fetched now does it?

So whatever you fancy, whether it be salty, sweet, deep fried or just layered in cheese, be sure to add a little extra in honor of this great holiday. Even if you just go to a fast food restaurant and order one of everything on the dollar menu you will have done your part in celebrating. And remember, you can never put too much bacon on anything...

Take a page out of the Epic Meal Time guys book and make up your very on fast food lasagna.

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