Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2nd - National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

The ice cream sandwich has to be one of the most genius and tasty dessert treats that has ever been invented. Taking two slabs of chocolate cookies and slapping a healthy dose of vanilla ice cream in between couldn't be any simpler yet any more delicious. And just in time too for the true dog days of summer which makes August 2nd "National Ice Cream Sandwich Day" all the more perfect and easy to celebrate.

Depending on where you are currently located, the ice cream sandwich has many different origins and names. In Australia they are known as "cream betweens", New Zealand has the "vanilla slice", Scotland and Northern Ireland market them as "sliders', the UK has "nougat wafers" and Singapore calls them "potong" which translates to cut ice cream. So while the names may vary from country to country, the basic makeup is the same and the end result is a happy celebration of this joyful marriage between two sugary favorites. The first ice cream sandwich was said to have been invented in 1945 by Jerry Newberg, an ice cream vendor at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, PA, although pictures of ice cream sandwiches selling for 1c at the shore in Atlantic City have surfaced dating back to as early as 1905.

With all the different varieties of ice cream sandwiches that exist, today seems like the perfect time to try every single one you've ever craved. A little dessert before, after and during every meal never hurt anyone. It's just one day. And if you want to improvise, why not take two of your favorite cookies and slide a big old scoop of vanilla ice cream in between to make your very own bite-sized version.

You can also give this simple ice cream sandwich recipe below a try and make your own version of this summertime delight.

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