Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31st - National Mutts Day

Mutts. You either love em or hate em. They can either be a smelly, hairy mess who slobber on everything to you, or the most loyal, best friend who will love you unconditionally. Regardless of your views, there is a good chance that you either have a mutt or know someone who does, so why not grab a nice treat or toy to give to him because July 31st is "National Mutts Day".

So you might be asking yourself, what's the difference between a mutt and a dog? Well I'm glad you asked, halfbreed. No I'm not calling you a halfbreed (although I don't know you all that well), but that is the main difference between mutts and dogs. Mutts are a mix breed of dogs from two or several breeds. So if your neighbor just got this interesting looking dog that she calls a labradoodle retriever pit bull, you can be pretty sure that she has a mutt. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, even though mutts have had a bad rap over the years as alley dogs who eat your trash. Rumors most likely started by purebred purists who like to parade their dog around at dog shows just so it can be fondled by some weirdo wearing gloves. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The purebred dogs that is and not the fondling part...

Today's celebration is simple. Treat your or your buddies mutt extra special. After years of discrimination and having stereotypes laid down about them that just aren't true they've definitely earned it. So grab some doggie treats, take him to the park and be sure to give him a little extra love on this important day. Cause let's be honest, he's seen you do things that no one else could ever imagine you doing and will never tell a soul...

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